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SUMPAR will be at your side, from design to the production of the requested parts and sub-assemblies. Whenever possible, the Group gets involved as early as the design phase in close collaboration with your teams. Its services are focused on four trades: co-engineering and programming, machining, sheet metal work, and assembly

Co-engineering / Programming

The engineering team works as a partner and advisor for your design office. It can make prototypes. It proposes ideas during the tendering process, requiring design collaboration phases with its customers, and it helps generate savings during design, by making your 3D drawings simpler. The company has an outsourced CADM team to respond to peaks in activity, as well as a programming unit. Its licenses enable it to integrate design, 4/5-axis machining and assembly modules.



As an expert in the machining of complex parts, SUMPAR is a center of excellence in three fields:

  • the machining of 5-axis aluminum parts, medium and large size (up to 12 m long).
  • the machining of 4- and 5-axis parts, small and medium size, made from all metals (aluminum and hard metals).
  • technical turning parts in series production.

The Group has a fleet of machines offering it flexibility and significant capacity, with a dedicated series machining unit based in Casablanca.

Means of production >

Sheet metal work

A unit composed of 25 fully autonomous, highly qualified persons, dedicated to making sheet metal parts.

SUMPAR has a NADCAP-qualified heat treatment oven and a qualified laser cutting machine.

Means of production >
Tôlerie / Chaudronnerie


An assembly unit is dedicated to the structural assembly and equipping of your products.

SUMPAR’s certifications cover the following special processes:

  • Crimping of ball joints
  • Riveting
  • Application of inter-layer sealant
  • Electric bonding of assemblies
  • Fitting of tightened mounted rings (with nitrogen)
Productions >

134 Rue de la Forge Féret
76520 Boos